Thursday, February 26, 2009

into the world of marketing.

I came across several websites that linked to other websites about graphic design, ads etc and stumbled upon these interesting concepts. Despite majoring in the field of marketing, I personally liked these print ads so I wanted to share.

They're both from 'Brantano: Shoe City' and have the same idea going on but with different sneaker brands (aka Converse and Adidas). What caught my attention were details put into creating the hand reaching out from gum and a puddle respectively. So freakin' awesome!

I also came across this hilarious ad featuring an obese man and the clown of Maccas.

Changing the phrase 'Fast Food' into 'Fats Food', how clever. Although it may not be 'proper' in the English language, it still is pretty effective when you can imagine the correlation between the phrase and the image displayed.

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